Fueling Your Fire Sustainable Strategies for Staying Motivated ft. Eli Angote

by Elise Stevens

We all experience ebbs and flows in our motivation levels. Some days we’re clear-headed and on-task and other days we can barely summon the energy to turn on our computers.

It’s easy to feel like we have no control over these natural fluctuations, especially when procrastination strikes at really inconvenient times – like right before a deadline!

In this podcast, Elise Stevens chats with Eli Angote about how we can find motivation on the difficult days by embracing what is true and authentic to us.

Points raised in this podcast:

  • Motivation is unique for everyone. 
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led many of us to question what is truly important, leading to a shift in what motivates us. Instead of being motivated by a corner office or becoming an executive, many of us are now seeking flexibility or security.
  • Getting caught up in other people’s ideas and agendas can be a burden on our motivation. 
  • Being authentic with yourself will motivate you from within and invite others to act the same.
  • Emotional intelligence, compassion and kindness are some of our most important skills.
  • Devoting 5-10 minutes of your day to meditation, deep breathing or simply doing nothing can help you recharge and find clarity.
  • Doing the things you love, the things that are effortless, is nourishing and affirming and can ignite your creativity and motivation.
  • The people around us impact our motivation. Carefully consider the five people closest to you and aspire to spend time with people who are doing things they love.
  • Being of service to others can be motivating. Consider how you can use your skills to make a difference to the wider community.

About Eli Angote:

Eli Angote is the founder of TheBestNotary.net but is first and foremost a kind and loving “SuperConnector” who enjoys deeply connecting with others and helping them along their life’s path by introducing them to other people they are looking to meet. He has become obsessed with making micro-documentary grade video content which inspires others to awaken to the story of Interbeing and realise every act of kindness is the door to a more peaceful and collaborative planet. Eli graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Spanish which he speaks fluently along with four other languages. Having finished his first marathon in 2016, he’s set on completing his first Ironman when COVID-19 is behind us.