Debunking career myths ft. Lia Zalums

by Elise Stevens

My employer will manage my career progression. The best person for the job always gets the promotion. My boss will take care of my training.

We all want to believe these statements because it’s reassuring to think someone else is taking care of our careers and steadily steering us in the direction of our goals.

Unfortunately, that’s usually not the case.

In this podcast, Elise Stevens debunks some common career myths with executive coach Lia Zalums. Lia specialises in advancing the careers of women in STEMM. She explains why the changing nature of work means we all need to take responsibility for our career progression.

Points raised in this podcast:

  • Taking full responsibility for your career means considering it as a business. You are both the product and the producer.
  • It is unwise to assume your hard work will be recognised, inevitably leading to promotions and pay rises.
  • Unconscious bias means people are often selected for roles for which they’re not qualified. Don’t assume the best candidate will get the job.
  • The more times you put your hat in the ring, the more likely you’ll get an opportunity.
  • Training will probably not be provided without request. You should be clear about what training you want and how it will benefit the team and organisation.
  • Sometimes, what you do outside of business hours is just as important to your career. Don’t underestimate the importance of casual coffee meetings and after-work drinks.
  • Although you must take control of your career progression, you don’t have to go it alone. Reach out to collaborate with others and seek feedback from your network. 
  • Email and social media aren’t the best ways to nurture your support network. Be mindful of how you are connecting with people.
  • Career satisfaction is not only about achieving the next promotion or pay rise.
  • If you invest in yourself and take time to find what lights you up, you’ll feel a greater sense of purpose and value and will perform in ways that are beyond your own expectations.
  • It’s important to wear your career goals as a loose garment because they will change over time.

About Lia:

Lia Zalums is an executive coach specialising in advancing women and career transition for STEMM executives, emerging leaders and female founders. She inspires and facilitates women to accelerate their career experience from lack-lustre – sometimes soul-destroying – to empowered purpose-driven impact. This often requires intense study, coaching and on-the-job learning to develop new skills and mindset to improve intentional influence. Being a former lab scientist, with several decades in medical technology sales and a Masters in Coaching Psychology, Lia continues to pursue excellence in human performance both in herself and her clients. 

What is made possible when we access and action our fullest potential? Lia excels when she facilitates and accelerates the professional growth of high-performing, ambitious women in STEMM so they can create more intentional positive impact in their field.

You can connect with Lia on LinkedIn.