How to communicate with yourself ft. Donna Rustigian Mac

by Elise Stevens

Communicating effectively at work starts with communicating well with ourselves.

In this podcast, Elise Stevens speaks with communication consultant Donna Rustigian Mac about the importance of a positive internal dialogue.

Donna believes that becoming an honest, forthright, effective communicator begins with a strong sense of self.

As our personality, strengths and weaknesses are perpetually evolving, it’s important to habitually schedule in time for self-reflection.

Points raised in this podcast:

  • A healthy sense of self and positive internal dialogue will make you a more authentic and influential communicator.
  • It’s important to regularly take time for personal reflection and positive self-talk as your personality, strengths and weaknesses are under constant development.
  • Consider your communication style. Are you passive, aggressive or assertive? Direct or indirect? Your communication style affects your leadership style at work.
  • Self-awareness and self-regulation are more challenging when we’re under pressure or undue stress. It’s not always possible to leave your home at home and work at work.
  • Particularly since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been unprecedented demand on our time and attention, and we are struggling with more distractions than ever before.
  • Having a strong sense of self means you will be less likely to buy into other people’s narratives of you.
  • Some women have not asked themselves, ‘what do I want, what do I need and what can I actually control?’ This makes it difficult for them to be assertive.
  • A lack of self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence can impact some women’s ability to communicate effectively.

About Donna:

Donna Rustigian Mac is the President of iVoice Communication, a company dedicated to creating healthy-human connections through updated, 21st century business communication skills. She provides 1:1 coaching to individuals, and group training to companies who want to expand the capabilities of their people.

Donna has more than 30 years of experience (in the media, digital media, corporate coaching, workforce development). She’s also a certified mindfulness teacher, and a qualified behavioural change facilitator. Donna’s work helps people communicate as their “best, most authentic selves”. She helps you break through ‘old conditioning’ so you can connect, human-to-human, with greater ease and updated skills.

Donna is also the author of Guide to a Richer Life, Know Your Worth, Find Your Voice and Speak Your Truth as well as the Appreciation, #YayMe Journal and the Six Pillars of Mindful Communication.

You can connect with Donna on LinkedIn.