PM for the Masses‘ Cesar Abeid is a Project Manager and a passionate advocate for applying project management principles in peoples’ personal and professional lives.

His book Project Management for You sets out to demystify Project Management principles, by taking key concepts and using relevant examples to illustrate how they can be used at work, and at home to develop structures and systems to achieve your goals.

It also simplifies Project Management jargon with simple but effective explanations, including examples of how these concepts might be applied in a personal situation. Cesar uses the example of a short film he made in his teens to illustrate some of these ideas, and reflect on the methods and processes he used to complete his objective.

One concept he explores is that of breaking down goals in a set of sub goals, and then into smaller, more achievable tasks. Using the example of the film, we see that ‘big picture’ objective split into four or five key activities, with those then divided into smaller tasks. This methods helps develop an understanding of the actual work that needs to be done, and develop logical groupings of activities.

Cesar uses an informal and personal approach, using examples taken from his own life experience to draw the reader in and make the book very relatable. It is by no means a stuffy Project Management text book, and those looking to become Project Managers or better structuring their work would benefit from its approach.

I found Project Management for You made think about my own ‘automated’ responses and approaches when I have to deliver something both at home or at work. For those working as part of a project, this book would have a lot of application both for their owns tasks, and to give context to why a Project Manager might be asking them to do something.

From October 21 and 31, buy Project Management for You on Amazon for only 99 cents (a discount of 99%). Email the receipt/proof of purchase and also receive the ebook version of it for free (a $20 value). Visit for more info.
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Cesar’s Project Management for Masses Website
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