Welcome to Elise Stevens video e-course about Twitter for Project Management Professionals. Ever thought about using Twitter for your project but found it all a bit too hard?

If you’ve signed up for Twitter or thought about using it as a tool for project management, this free short course is for you!

This course provides a simple step-by-step guide to help project managers get engaged & inspired with Twitter – Twitter for Project Management Professionals.

Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called “tweets”. Registered users can read and post tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them.

By using Twitter as a tool to engage with your project management team, you can tap into a range of benefits for enhancing overall communication as well as providing up to the minute updates and key information in a format that is modern and well received by stakeholders and team members.

While emails, traditional memorandums and printed reports can seem uninspiring and formal, using Twitter and its associated communication tools can enhance a project and provide a welcome and refreshing communications tool that is easy to use and instant.

In this free eCourse Fix My Project Chaos creator Elise Stevens provides a step-by-step guide to activating all the fabulous information that is available on Twitter.

The course will provide a deeper understanding into one of the world’s most utilised social media platforms and help project management professionals to develop essential project leadership skills.

Twitter for Project Management Professionals


After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Follow your favourite influencers on Twitter
  • Keep up with the latest trending topics on project management
  • Engage with your influencers
  • Consume information from Twitter

Topics covered in this course include:

  • How to create unique posts or re-tweet
  • How to create lists of influential people or people of interest
  • Searching for hash tags
  • Searching for specific pages that have topics and areas of focus that are of interest to you
  • How to like posts and add posts to your stream

Created by Elise Stevens from Fix My Project Chaos, this short eCourse covers a range of ways you can use Twitter for Project Management Professionals.

For more information, follow the Fix My Project Chaos team on Twitter at @FixProjectChaos or send us a message from our Contact page.

Watch the full Course Video below: