Here are the blog posts and articles that caught my attention this week:
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[av_iconlist_item title=’Learning People’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-8mapxo’]
I love live music. While I am waiting for the band to come on stage, I am fascinated by how the logistics work in relation to moving the band and it’s equipment around the world, from venue to venue. So when I found this article about project management on tour, I knew that it had to be included in this week’s collection of articles.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Liquid Planner ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-7cxpcs’]
The focus of this post is on skills that your team requires to be successful. A rare perspective about the team rather the Project Manager
[av_iconlist_item title=’PM Hut’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-5znnm4′]
Great title – How is a project like a box of chocolates? Hopefully not like the poor squished turkish delight that was always left unwanted in the box in our family.
[av_iconlist_item title=’DDLS’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-4urti4′]
While this post is explains about IT maturity and it’s role in organisations, the same principles relate to IT projects within organisations. Worth a look
[av_iconlist_item title=’Carlos Lopez’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-2jxzto’]
This blog is a great summary about the responsibilities of a Program Manager