Here are the blog posts and articles that caught my attention this week:

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[av_iconlist_item title=’Lantech-Soft’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue826′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-8w15nw’]
Despite what some people may say, creativity and project management do go together. Here is a great blog post that examines 10 ways to integrate creativity into your project management life.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Fusion Alliance ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue826′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-6twouk’]
A great look about how Project Managers are creative. Creativity Rules
[av_iconlist_item title=’iMindQ’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue826′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-5ez9rg’]
One of the best blog posts I have read about the process of decision making.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Synotive’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue826′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-4le8po’]
Intranets can be hard to justify. The benefits can be tricky to  establish and realise. I liked this blog post about how to justify Intranet projects.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Bloomfire’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue826′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-8w8n0′]
Successful project teams require team members to work together and share their knowledge. The principles discussed in this blog post can be used in a project context.