Here are 6 marvelous project leadership articles;
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[av_iconlist_item title=’Sherpa Insurance ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-aube6y’]
Great article about how to recover when engagement goes off the rails
[av_iconlist_item title=’Business Analytics / Timo Elliott ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-90xs96′]
Great first line – What’s the hardest thing to manage about Digital Transformation? It’s not the technology, it’s the people.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Change Guides ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-7d5foq’]
In our digital world, people still prefer to interact face to face – A fantastic article
[av_iconlist_item title=’Appirio ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-5x92vu’]
This post examines the importance of delegation. Delegation is one of key components of a great leader.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Agile Pain Relief ‘ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-4bf8wa’]
Agile is a fantastic approach to delivering customer outcomes. Yet some organisations jump on the agile bandwagon just because everyone else is doing it. Agile should be adopted because it fits the requirements of the organisation.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Lou Sauder’ link=’manually,’ linktarget=’_blank’ linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-2gkhdm’]
Sometimes respect can be hard to find on projects. This post provides thoughts on how you can deliver projects with respect.